Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Phobias, Anxiety Disorders

Understanding phobias according to the psikopatolog is as disturbing rejection,mediated fear that is not proportional to the danger which was conceived by a particularobject or situation da recognized by the patient as something that is not fundamental. Inother words, a phobia is the fear of a situation or object that is clear (from outside the individual's own), which is actually at the time of the incident is not harmful.

Based on the DSM-IV-TR symptoms of phobias are (1) The fear of excessive, unreasonable, and settled triggered by objects or situations, (2) exposure to the triggering cause intense anxiety, (3) The person is aware of his fears are not realistic; (4) The object or situation is avoided or faced with intense anxiety.
Some terms of the best known is the claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces.Agoraphobia is the fear of public places. Acrophobia, the fear of heights. Animal phobias are fears in certain animal species. Blood phobia, the fear of blood.
Many sufferers do not make certain that they are quite desperate to find assistance handling. For example, if someone who has a huge fear of snakes, he lived in the metropolitan area, less likely he is in contact directly with the feared object, so do not believe there is something wrong with her. In most cases, phobias experienced by many women than men. Phobias themselves divided into two categories namely specific phobia and social phobia.

Specific Phobias
Specific phobia is an unreasonable fear caused by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation. More summarily phobia is caused by a specific object or situation. DSM-IV-TR divides phobias based on the source of her fear: blood, injury, and injections, the situation (such as airplanes, elevators, enclosed spaces), animals and natural environment (such as altitude, water).

Social Phobia
Social phobia is a persistent and irrational fear that is generally associated with the presence of others. individuals who experience social phobia typically avoid situations that make him feel evaluated, experiencing anxiety, or behavior that is not supposed to.
Fear is indicated by excessive sweating or blushing is visible impact. Talking or doing something in public, eating in public places, using public toilets, or almost any other activity carried out in places there are others can cause extreme anxiety in social phobics.
People who suffer from social phobia are many who have professions or jobs far below their abilities or intelligence because of their extreme social sensitivity natural. Better to do low-paying jobs than in every day dealing with other people in work is higher.

Handling People with Phobias
In handling phobics, people can not heal itself so that should be helped by therapists who are competent in their field. Lots of therapies that can be done. Here are some therapeutic approaches that can be done. Psychoanalytic approach that is by two ways (1) disclosure of repressed anxiety, (2) Settlement of conflict of childhood. Behavioral approaches are (1) Systematic desensitization, namely of individuals who suffer from phobias to imagine a more daunting set of circumstances while he was in a relaxed state, (2) Flooding, which is a therapeutic technique in which the client presented with the source of a phobia in full intensity, (3) Modeling, that is another technique that uses exposure to the feared situations. Cognitive Approach Elimination irational belief that, by eliminating irrational thinking. Biological approach is by using drugs such as sedatives, transquilizer, and anxyolitic.

Davison, Gerald C., Neale, John M, Kring, Ann M. 2006. Abnormal Psychology. Jakarta: PT. King Grafindo Persada

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