Wednesday, October 13, 2010

100 Secrets to Make People Happy ...

It's not every day people feel happy, to laugh, smile and cry came and went. Unrest liver and various issues of life often makes us depressed. To fix needed entertainment, especially physically and inwardly. Knowing how to deal with us personally to establish a strong personal and high optimism. Here are 100 ways to make yourself into a very happy person.

  1. Your life has purpose and meaning
  2. Use strategy to achieve happiness
  3. You do not have to win every time
  4. Your ideals must be aligned with one another
  5. Make wise comparison with
  6. Plant friendship
  7. Turn off the Tv
  8. Accept yourself as it is
  9. Remember where you are from
  10. Think about one subject only, at bedtime
  11. Friendship beat money
  12. Have realistic expectations
  13. Open to new ideas
  14. Tell others how important they are to you
  15. If you're unsure make allegations in a positive way
  16. Believe on yourself
  17. Do not be overly confident
  18. Do not face your problems alone
  19. Age was not to be feared
  20. Develop routine household
  21. Do not be too protective
  22. Notice! You may have what you want
  23. Do not let your religious beliefs fade
  24. Say what you do in accordance with
  25. Do not be aggressive against your friends and family
  26. Support the home team
  27. Do not measure success by material
  28. Every relationship is unique
  29. Do not think "what if"
  30. Volunteer
  31. If the ideals are too lofty, ideals will be your meyakiti
  32. Sports
  33. Little things mean a big
  34. What is important is not what happens but think about what would happen
  35. Develop your interest with your loved ones
  36. Laugh
  37. Do not let all your life depends on one element
  38. Sharing a sense of
  39. Busy is better than bored
  40. Satisfaction is relative
  41. Learn to use computers
  42. Try reducing your mind about people and things that bother you
  43. Keep your family closeness
  44. Eat fruit every day
  45. Enjoy what you have
  46. Think in terms of concrete
  47. Be social
  48. Do not blame yourself
  49. Vacation!
  50. Love the beast
  51. Make your work a call
  52. Do not sell your morals for the sake of ideals
  53. If your loved ones make a habit you do not like do not pretend to ignore it
  54. Get a good night's sleep
  55. Buy what you like
  56. Implement something every day
  57. Be flexible
  58. All events are temporary
  59. Be self-supporting
  60. Join a group
  61. Be positive
  62. There will be an end but you can prepare
  63. How we view the world more important than the world itself
  64. Have pen and paper ready
  65. Help people around you who memnutuhkan little side
  66. Do not criticize your friends and family with a rough
  67. Some people love the big picture and others like things detailed
  68. Do you have mastered
  69. Check out your neighbors
  70. Smile
  71. Do not accept a picture of the world tv
  72. You always have a choice
  73. Be friendly
  74. Do not ignore any one part of your life
  75. Listen to music
  76. Let your ideals guide your steps
  77. Take advantage of your work positively
  78. Do not forget to have fun
  79. Trust me on top justice
  80. Memory
  81. Indeed mean
  82. Do not struggling with the conflicts that can not be solved
  83. Enjoy the usual things
  84. Do not focus on the tragedy of the world, but in the hope of the world
  85. Have a hobby
  86. Jealous of other people is not beneficial relationship
  87. Make time for you to adapt to change
  88. Focus on the things that really matter to you
  89. Realize that there is no absolute satisfaction
  90. Surround yourself with fragrant aromas
  91. Do not let someone else determine your goals
  92. You are an ordinary human being rather than a streotip
  93. Know what makes you happy and sad
  94. Keep reading
  95. We should feel the need
  96. Say "I do not care"
  97. Have a goal
  98. You have not completed the best part of your life
  99. Money can not buy happiness
What does this all mean? Decide
source: google

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