Tuesday, September 28, 2010

GimpPhoto Free Photoshop Alternative for Photo Image editor

GimPhoto 1.4.3

- Based on GIMP 2.4.3
- New Menu Layout like PS
- Faster Menu Rendering
- BIG Toolbox Icon
- Using Vista Gray Themes
- Packed with 20+ plugins
- New brushset + gradientset
for Windows 2000, XP, Vista,
Windows 7 and Linux

GimPad 1.1

- Integrated MDI Window
- Automatic Run GimPhoto
- Automatic Always On Top
- Automatic Center Dialog
- Prevent Panel Off Screen
- Change GTK Themes Tool
- Small Memory Usage
for Windows 2000, XP, Vista
and Windows 7

GimPhoto + GimPad = free Photoshop

for more detail info, check FEATURES or DOWNLOAD it now! (^___^)=b



GimPhoto 1.4.3
- based on Gimp 2.4.3 stable version.
- all GimPhoto 1.4 and 1.0 great features.
- NEW special menu for Photographic related functions under Menu > Photos
- NEW 100+ Web 2.0 gradient set for easier and ready to use gradient.
- NEW Vista Gray GTK Themes for better looking and more compatible interface.
- NEW GimPad 1.1 that will make GimPhoto scattered window to single MDI ala PS.

GimPhoto 1.4
- based on Gimp 2.4 stable version.
- all GimPhoto 1.0 great features.
- NEW 100+ brush set (beautiful brush set for artist)
- additional plugin for texturing (normal map, kaleidoscope, etc)
- so many plugins for photography (high pass, photofx, refocus, exposure, ir, etc)
- additional utilities Power Menu for Always on Top window

GimPhoto 1.0
GimPhoto using latest development version of GIMP 2.3.19.
GIMP 2.3.19 bring more features than old stable version GIMP 2.2, new features of GIMP 2.3.19 such as:
- Color Management
- New and better selection tool functions
- Plugin and filter live preview
- Desktop color picker
- Enhanced text tool
- Dynamic brushes
- Performance improvement
- New better menu naming convention

for complete new features list go to
for further information about GIMP go to

GimPhoto using Clearlooks GTK Engines ( which bring flat smooth modern looks.
Clearlooks GTK engines is use by RedHat and Ubuntu to bring modern professional look to their desktop environment.
I found Clearlooks lib for Windows from GTKRadiant package - Thanks GTKRadiant team! :)

Default GTK engine is look bad under Windows 2000 but bring original Windows look and feel under Windows XP.
Compare screenshot below for Default GTK engine vs Clearlooks:

default vs clearlooks

For GTK Theme, GimPhoto using T-ish theme by Toni Milovan.
T-ish theme bring more professional look and feel for GIMP under Windows.

GimPhoto also include tools to change GTK2 Themes under Windows (made by Tor Lillqvist)
This will bring more excitement to GIMP user because they now can change their GIMP UI themes easily.
More themes can be downloaded from and I plan a tutorial about howto change GimPhoto themes.

default vs clearlooks

GimPhoto using GIMP Original Menu Naming Convention.
GimPhoto NOT CHANGE the menu naming convention, GimPhoto only change menu structure.
So this mean that GIMP tutorials is still usable and Photoshop tutorials is also do-able :)

default vs clearlooks

default vs clearlooks

New Modified Right-Click Menu - most useful tools is ready in this popup menu.

default vs clearlooks

GimPhoto already installed many useful plugins to fill many missing features at GIMP, such as:

- Save for Web
using Save for Web plugin by Aurimas Juska at

default vs clearlooks

- Batch Process
using David's Batch Process plugin

default vs clearlooks

- CMYK Separation
using Separate+ plugin by Yoshinori Yamakawa (improvement from Separate plugin by Alastair M. Robinson) at

default vs clearlooks

- Layer Style
using LayerEffects script

default vs clearlooks

- Photoshop plugin support (8bf)
using PSPI plugin by Tor Lillqvist at

default vs clearlooks

GimPhoto already included with new brush set and additional gradient set, in the future this will be expanded
with additional best and useful brush packages, gradients, patterns and tutorials howto create and using it.

- Modified Default Brush Set
modified default brush set, more complete set useful brush, this will be expanded in the future.

default vs clearlooks

- Modified Default Gradients
more tight selection of useful included gradients.

- Additional Web 2.0 Gradients
great 30 new additional gradients to create button, symbol or graphics for Web 2.0 design style. This gradients set from Dezinerfolio converted to GIMP by Gimp-Tutorials

default vs clearlooks

If YOU have more IDEA or SUGGESTION for GimPhoto, SHOUT IT OUT! :) I love to hear it and use it to improve GimPhoto, so submit your opinion directly at SUGGEST section.

Sumber :

GimPhoto - Aplikasi Grafis Gratis dari Developer INDONESIA

GimPhoto is released under GPL.
GimPhoto is based on Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program).
Siapa bilang orang Indonesia tidak bisa membuat software berkualitas.

GimPhoto merupakan modifikasi GIMP dengan menu baru, plugin tambahan dan sumber daya untuk membawa pengalaman GIMP terbaik untuk pengguna Photoshop.
Para GimPhoto 1,0 dan 1,4 proses modifikasi dilakukan pada tingkat biner sehingga hanya tersedia untuk Windows dan tidak ada kode sumber, untuk lebih memahami tentang proses modifikasi GimPhoto kemudian membaca
tapi karena GimPhoto 1.4.3 proses modifikasi dilakukan pada tingkat kode sumber sehingga GimPhoto 1.4.3 juga merilis source code dan GimPhoto 1.4.3 tersedia untuk Windows dan Linux.
Mengapa paket ini diciptakan? Banyak pengguna GIMP telah membahas bagaimana GIMP harus meningkatkan di banyak daerah sebelum dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif Photoshop gratis (bahkan dengan versi sebelumnya dari Photoshop - 5,5 atau 6). Area yang harus diperbaiki adalah: 

  • Fitur Manajemen Warna, CMYK Pemisahan, Mode 16 bit, Proses Batch, Penyesuaian Layer, Styles, Action.
  •  User Interface Struktur Menu, Menu Prioritas, Shortcuts, Toolbox dan desain Dialog, Windowing System (tombol besar terlalu banyak dan spasi putih).
  • Kurangnya Sumber Daya Lebih brushset berguna, Lebih gradien berguna, pola Lebih bermanfaat, lebih berguna plugin (plugin seleksi ketat, hanya mencakup yang umum digunakan dan plugin berkualitas tinggi karena loading brushset, gradien dan plugin membutuhkan waktu). 
GIMP harus keluar dari kotak berguna tanpa kustomisasi lebih lanjut oleh user.
Kebanyakan dari fitur ini telah ditambahkan ke seri 2,3 pengembangan GIMP dan banyak plugin telah dikembangkan untuk memperluas kemampuan GIMP tapi plugin ini tersebar di seluruh internet dan harus diinstal secara manual untuk mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik GIMP. 

Saya telah mencoba sebaik mungkin untuk menulis komponen (GIMP versi terbaru, plugin terbaik, dan sumber daya terbaik) ke dalam satu paket yang akan memberikan pengalaman luar kotak untuk GIMP.

diterjemahkan dari : menggunakan Google Translate

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cornering labs

Cara Ambil Jalur Tikungan S

Menyusul di tikungan "S"
Digambar ini kita dapat lihat kesempatan untuk menyalip kendaran didepan.

Jarak Pandang MATA kita (Garis biru terputus-2), memberikan pandangan jelas bahwa tidak ada halangan di depan jalan, sehingga kita dapat melihat bahwa tidak ada kendaraan di depan kita.
Kita tidak mengantisipasi apabila kendaraan yang lebih pelan akan merintangi kesempatan kita
hanya mungkin jika kita melihat dengan baik dan dapat memperhitungkan situasi secepat mungkin ketika kita memasuki tikungan pertama.
Akan sangat memuaskan apabilakita dapat melakukannya dengan benar....percayalah
Teknik Menikung Ke kanan 

Posisikan kendaraan anda disisi terkiri dari jalan, semakin dekat dengan sisi kiri jalan maka semakin baik dan semakin lebar jarak dan arah pandang mata anda
apabila kita mengambil sisi dalam dari jalan maka jarak dan arah pandangan mata kita lebih terbatas dari pada apabila kita mengambil jalur sisi luar jalan

INGAT...jalur dalam berarti jalur terdekat dengan marka jalan, sedangkan jalur luar berarti sisi terdekat dengan sisi kiri tepi jalan ...ini berlaku untuk tikungan ke KANAN...apabila tikungan ke Kiri maka berlaku sebaliknya, yaitu : Sisi dalam yaitu jalur yang berada paling dekat dengan tepi jalan sebelah kiri, dan sisi luar adalah sisi terdekat dengan marka jalan yang di tengah...JANGAN LUPA !
Decapitation Zone 

Perhatikan Jalur Motor ini dengan TELITI
Ingat, posisi motor terbaik adalah pisoso sedekat mungkin dengan marka tengah jalan.
Pengendara masuk secara dalam menuju sisi luar untuk mendapatkan jarak dan pandangan mata yang lebih luas lalu posisikan motor anda sejajar dengan marka jalan pada saat keluar tikungan

Jalur yang SALAH
Hindari godaan untuk memotong jalur tikungan secara langsung, ini akan mngakibatkan kepala dan bahu anda berada tepat di tengah jalur dan pada jalur dimana mobil berada.

Hal di atas di sebut juga DECAPITATION ZONE



Memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai suspensi anda adalah suatu hal yang sangat dperlukan untuk memahami karakter dan pergerakan motor anda
in iakan memberikan kita pengertian dan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan "REM MANA YANG HARUS SAYA GUNAKAN ?", "Kapan saya harus me ngerem ketika kita akan menikung ?", "Kapan Sya membuka gas pada saat di tikungan?", "Apa yang harus saya lakukan bila sya masuk ke tikungan terlalu cepat ?"
Nah sekarang kita perhatikan Apa yang terjadi dengan suspensi ketika mengerem dan melakukan akselerasi pada jalur lurus
MENGEREM, Berat bergerak ke depan.

Akselerasi, Berat bergerak ke Belakang
Anda bisa lihat pada saat mengerem atau menurunkan gas, berat (Centre Of Gravity) motor anda pindah ke depan menuju ban depan anda dan menjauhi ban belakang anda, nah anda sekarang dapat melihat bahwa Ban belakang menjadi tidak efektif karena traksi roda belakang terhadap aspal BERKURANG, dan sangat memungkinkan terjadinya REAR WHEEL LOCK UP atau roda belakang anda akan terkunci ! Sebaliknya anda sekarang bisa melihat bahwa menggunakan rem depan akan memberikan roda depan anda beban yang semakin besar untuk menekan ASPAL dan memberikan anda Traksi yang lebih baik untuk menghentikan laju motor anda, Banyak Ngerem depan...lebih Banyak Traksi...kecepatan Berkurang.

OK sekarang bagaimana hal diatas mempengaruhi cara anda berkendara, sebagai permulaan kita melihat bahwa penggunaan rem yang terbaik adalah rem DEPAN, kita juga mengetahui bahwa menurunkan kecepatan di Tikungan dalah bukan ide bagus, Ini memberikan Stress yang lebih besar pada ban depan dan justru menyebabkan hilangnya Traksi dan menyebabkan roda belakang anda selip dan roda depan...nggelosoor.

Nah disini kita akan berfikir..bagaimana kita mengontrol Suspensi pada tikungan ! Aturan Geometri terbaik pada saat kita berada di tikungan adalah si Suspensi dibuat untuk menekan roda belakang (power) pada permukaan jalan, INI ARTINYA...MENGATUR POWER DARI AKSELERASI PASA SAAT KITA BERADA DI TIKUNGAN.

Ini juga memberikan penjelasan mengapa kita harus berada pada kecepatan yang tepat pada saat kita akan memasuki tikungan sehingga kita dapat tetap menjaga Power dan akselerasi pada saat di tikungan.

Jika Anda belum pernah menikung terlalu Cepat....maka Ignore aja bahasan di bawah ini Cheesy

reaksi Alami kita pada saat situasi seperti diatas adalah mengurangi kecepatan dengan menutup gas tiba-2 atau mengerem, namun klo kita lihat lagi ini justru MEMPERBURUK SITUASI, Kenapa ? ini menyebabkan roda depan anda mengunci terhadap sudut geometri gaya sentrifugal yaitu tertarik keluar sehingga menyebabkan motor anda menjadi TEGAK dan posisi berbelok jadi kacaw dna keluar jalur lintasan, Jalan terbaik adalah dengan tetap mengunci posisi motor pada keadaan sbelum masuk tikungan (GAYA MOTOGP) atau Menekan lebih jauh posisi belakang anda sehingga menjadi Counter Steering dan tetaplah membuka Gas (INI HARUS DIYAKINI OLEH MASING MASING)*Menambah Power pada saat terjadi hal diatas adalah hal yang terbaik.RED;

MORE POWER/ Throttle hampir akan selalu memberikan jalan keluar terbaik pada posisi ini dibanding dengan melakukan pengereman.

Roda belakang yang berputar memberikan kita Stabilitas Gyroscopic lebih dari 80% motor anda termasuk anda sendiri, karena berhungan langsung dengan AXL atau Swing Arm dengan Chasiss motor anda , sedangkan bagian roda depan hanya terpengaruh secara tidak langsung oleh roda belakang yang berputar.

Jika anda mengunci roda belakang anda, maka akan menyebabkan Selip, Motor tidak akan semudah itu untuk tetap berada pada jalur lurus, motor akan dipengaruhi oleh Roda belakang yang berpitar dan menyebabkan laju motor justru menyamping atau ke arah lain, dilain pihak jika roda depan anda terkunci(Pada saat jalur lurus) dan menyebabkan roda depan Selip, ada banyak aasan yang harus kita percaya bahwa selama roda belakang tetap berputar dengan kecepatan yang konstan dan tetap mengarahkan roda depan anda berjalan lurus, maka motor anda akan tetap berada pada jalurnya dan tetap berdiri VERTIKAL sehingga anda bisa memulai membenarkan maslah anda dengan melepaskan rem depan secara perlahan.


Ban dan Kemiringannya

Pertanyaan :
Anda mendekati sebuah tikungan yang akan memungkinkan membuat motor anda miring hingga 45 derajat, anda membuka gas atau menutup gas - anda tetap mempertahankan kecepatan hingga keluar tikungan, apa yang akan terjadi dengan kecepatan anda ?

Jawaban :

mengapa ?
karena profile dari ban anda, perhatikan gambar diatas dapat kita ketahui ketika ban miring melebihi radius sebenarnya dari ban itu maka ban menjadi semakin kecil permukaannya karena curvature dari ban itu sendiri, ini membuat permukaan ban pada saat miring menjadi lebih kecil (sementara), pada saat yang sama ban yang berputar tidak berubah sama sekali(berputar sama dengan pada saat kondisi ban vertikal)maka kecepatan dari motor anda akan berkurang untuk mengakomodir permukaan ban yang semakin kecil.

SO kenapa kita harus peduli ama yang beginian ??
kita ketahui bahwa posisi geometri yang terbaik pada saat motor menikung adalah untuk memberikan beban kendaraan dan pengendara terdistribusi pada bagian belakang motor bukan pada bagian roda depan.

50 ways to save your life.

Assume always that you are "transparent" and unseen.
For other road users, you are really not visible.
Do not do the "movement" anything with the assumption that other people have
keberandaan know you or they see you. Although you
and the other riders had met at a glance view.

Think again.
Cut up the lane in reckless and hasty pace is
dangerous. Do not try just because you andrenalin challenging.
The reaction of the person / vehicle that you are completely cut
be beyond your expectations.

Dress for the fall. Not for swimming or for a party.
Cigarettes or instant noodle stalls can be reached less than 5 minutes journey.
But not anyone have a plan to kissed the asphalt. Nah worthed
if you lose all the front teeth or leaking head only to
a pack of cigarettes or a packet of instant noodle.

Expect the best, prepare for the worst.
Assume that other road users will behave normally, but
Do not rely too much on your feelings are.

Leave your ego at home.
People who truly care about your safety because you
speeding are police, prosecutor and judge. They punish you for
their care.

The focus and should not be affected.
Yes !!... there are half-naked girl on the edge of the big billboard
road. (Meanwhile, your motor leads to the sidewalk). Ouch!

Kaca Spion nampilin just a piece of the picture.
Although you have seen the mirror before you turn, DO NOT FORGET
you turn your head even though only 1 / 2 seconds. Reassure side
you turn completely empty.

Sabaarrr ... Sabaaarrr
Always be patient and slowly before preceding, change lanes
and entered the dense flow of traffic. The things that really do not
guess you can "beat" you. Extra careful and extra look-see
can save you and never hurt.

Watch your speed when approaching an object in the street
Precedes another vehicle at high speed or change lanes
objec avoid too close really very risky.
Eeekk .. the commodity suddenly appeared in front of the car is slowing ....

Be careful on the road side objects.
Especially if you drive at speeds fast enough on the side
road, beside the sidewalk ... many dangerous objects therein,
Plastic bags, Puddle Water, Stone-stone streets, the hardened cement,
The nails, Steps ... please call another.

The car turned right at intersections is one thing
largest killer.
When starting a green light, and when you are just beginning to pull the lamp
red, there are just cars that are also "insist on forcing n" passing lamps
Do not do it ... any red light, motors trabas many red lights.

Think carefully before acting.
If you see a car slowing down in the path that should be smooth and
fast, immediately slow down and be careful, you will not know if
the driver forgot to turn on the lights sein and suddenly turned in front of you.

Careful terhada car "chase" a yellow light.
The first few seconds after the traffic lights change is
The most dangerous moments in a red light intersection.

Check Spion.
Always do after every change lanes, slow down or stop.
Do not let another vehicle that is not intentionally trying
"Shift" your position.

Keep a safe distance.
Sir, remember sir ... distance of 2 seconds with the vehicle in front. Better
again when the father realized the condition of the road as far as 12 seconds ahead.

Beware of cars cornering.
They are quick and brief, and driver-driver is still very young and
aggressive .... they are really dangerous.

Excessive speed as it approached the bend can cause you to wince.
One cause of most accidents solo. Terpleset because gravel
or mud. Remember! Pull your gas when leaving the bend,
not when entering the corner.

200 kilograms of meat are not comparable with 150 kilograms of iron.
In rural areas, especially farm during evening and early morning,
many animals that melitas. They are not trained to look
left and right when crossing the highway. Remember! Horn, although
with noise of 800 db, not make them stop crossing, but
it will jump into the middle of the road!!

Use both brakes.
Front brakes are the most has a share in braking. However, with the assistance
by the rear brakes will make you stop faster and stable.

Always position your hands READY REM
Late attract just 1 second brake at a speed of 100 kph, giving
difference as far as 29 meters. Imagine!.

See the direction you are headed.
Use your high ability to view free. Your Motor
move towards your goal, so focus on solutions and not on

Keep your eyes moving.
Traffic continues to move dynamically, keep scanning problems
may arise. Do not be stunned at one point of view for the time
that is too long, unless pengen disaster. Her motion motion yes
mass, .. not head movements.

Berhetilah total when you approached the STOP sign.
Stop, drop your foot, and do not forget Tolah Toleh!.
Traffic signs for "STOP" was created because no good. Stop The top is
your own desire, not because it was stopped by metal and iron
in front of your motor.

See the future, I mean, really to the fore.
It's too late if realized there was something in front of you and
shock. So, look far ahead, monitor all possibilities
which can interfere with your travels.

Immediately concentrate on your travels.
Most of the accidents occurred during the first 15 minutes of driving,
below 70 kph, near the intersection. When thought about his wife and job
office or boyfriend.

Do not be too forced, if hesitant yes jangaaann ...
If you are not sure can weaving between 2 cars, do not do it!.
From padaa ....

Do not take a ride of more than ability.
If you weigh less than 55 pounds, is better to not try too hard to bring a burst of speed.Adjustments required in advance.

Notice the cars that will open the door side of the road.
Beat up the car door opens suddenly it does not taste good.

Do not rely too much color to the light wavelength.
Make sure that the traffic from the other direction really looks
stopped even though the lights in your side of the green. Mental Taulah users
vehicles in this country.

Berkendaralah with discipline while in the Group.
Without discipline you can harm yourself, harm
your friends and imprison your captain.

Give your eyes time to adapt.
One or two minutes to adapt when you move from room
bright to a dark parking lot. If not, you just the same
driving in a state of blind for a few pounds first.
Master the technique of reverse direction with very low velocity, U turn.
Practice, sitting slightly to the outer side of the bench, tilt slightly
your bike towards the corner, use your body as a counterweight.

Stop the ramp?
Do not panic, Use the rear brake to keep the motor does not
moving backwards. Use Gas Mr. and Mrs. Clutch to attract
you forward slowly.

If looks slippery, so it's really slippery.
Sometimes the surface of the road "seems" slippery. It looks like mud,
sand, gravel, oil, banana skins .... but also may be roads
normal. Nothing wrong with slow and careful.

Bleduggg! Ban broken! Continue?
Do not panic, do not move suddenly ... immediately pull the clutch
and brake slowly. Sein left ... left mirror ... look left and slowly
aside. can only say "Damn !!!!"

Tick ​​tick tick ... sound hud ... jan.
Walah rain. Soils dry and rough could change very, very
slippery. Patter of water on the face shield reducing visibility.
Is slowed down and add the concentration, caution and "softness"

Everything is HARD if tonight.
Adjust your headlights, use a clear glass helmet, be careful
if there is a flash of light from the opposite direction and horn on the corner
dark ... Toet Toet ...

Keep Emotions.
Do not easily provoked other riders that through you, what else
with a view of mocking ... huek ... just because kepancing, abrasions
in knee-trekan abis track, handlebar bent, body dents. Halah ... not

Pake Full and Good Gear.
Wear clothes that really fit with you and the weather. Clothing / Jacket
who are uncomfortable can disrupt concentration. Danger.

IPOD not for the above motor.
Pake IPOD, you can not hear a truck approaching the speed of the sand
high .... pake The iPod also does not protect you from harm
accident. Police and orthopedic surgeon is also not the same care IPod
you ...

Learning to dodge (Swerving)
Try to do 2 small corner quickly at medium speed.
At high speeds? Hajar aja bleh ....
Make Swerving be one of your reflex movement.

Stable at low speeds.
Practicing to take it as a cool motorcycle and not clumsy when the motor road
slow. It's easy bother.

Blink is good for health.
Sein lights attract attention because it blink. Right?
Well, if you want to quit, before the full brake, try
blink-blink your brakes several times before the brake. Ajrut-ajrutan?
papa do not ... my little and safe.

Crossing was frightening.
Place your bike behind a car or more, do not
at the front. If the green light turns on and there is a vehicle that would
nyerobot, at least you are not a motor vehicle's first

Manage your visibility.
Your eyes can only detect details at 5 degrees in front (the area
focus). the rest, almost 175 degrees can only detect motion.
Get used to be sensitive to movements outside your focus area.

Do not most of the trailing car from the left rear or right rear.
Bagaimanapu they can not see you.

Do not stop at a red light at midnight in the middle position, alone.
Mengatuk motorists difficult to distinguish a red light and love
nyeruduk from behind. Stay signed in 1st gear and hold the clutch. Also
in case of red light spice.

Do not Panic!
The panic usually just make you can not move a muscle
hand and requires thought. You just stunned when your motor
tail beat up car that stopped suddenly. Stay calm and
as soon as possible to find a gap on the left or the right car. Better
nyerempet than beat round.

Tires should be healthy!.
Ban is a part of you that causes your motor going and
slowing down and cornering. Ban the healthy is one of the certificate
your safety.


Tips-tips seputar perawatan pio and info part, Spoiler for membersihkan bagian monocros :
bagian yang dibongkar:

yang biasanya di bersihkan:

thanks to bro wirajaya atas properti picturenya :)

data-data bearing dan subtitusinya

Quote:Originally Posted by mika09
Data2 bearing yg ada di scorpio
1. Bearing roda: 6202 RS
2. Bearing swing arm: hk 1816
3. Bearing gear: 6004 RS
4. Bearing pengganti bushing CR N AR STANDAR: 6901 RS
5. Bearing komstir atas: 32005
6. Bearing noken as luar: 6005
7. Bearing noken as dalam: 6202z
8. Bearing kruk as: 63/28-3
9. Bearing rasio: 6203,6003,6204,6205.
Msh byk bearing yg blum bisa dijabarin
1. Z: besi
2. Rs: karet
Merk2 byk..
Skf,fag,koyo,nkn,asb dll

thanks to bro mika09

Quote:Originally Posted by mika09
Tips belanja sparepart:
1. Tau apa yg mesti diganti
2. Tau nama partnya
3. Tau tempat blanjanya
4. Tau harga pasaran
5. Tau kualitas antara ori dan kw
6. Tau ga motornya sakit?

Info toko dan sumber sparepart
1. Harapan motor(cineng) kebon jeruk dan cileduk
2. Ramayana bonjer dan cimone
3. Koperasi ysc
4. Mandala grup
5. Teguh perkasa
6. Dll

Cari gear n rantai ukuran variasi buat pio: polaris kebon jeruk

Bearing oneway harga murah dan lumayan: toko sejati pasar minggu

info ukuran² carburator dari forwardbastard:

Regarding Electricity

Originally Posted by LEDboy
wah kalo come up short battery cause macem2 gan ..
1. kiprok problematic ..
2. aer late fill sel2 battery defective battery ..
3. battery power so it can not nyimpen again ..
4. The most severe problems spool ..

fullwave contrived if it made more stable charging gan .. 2X cepet even more than the original .. n of course true if there is a part disposal installation jga tetep if overcharge batteries can be durable .. Automate nah make DC electricity in a battery depends bgt ama .. This is a problem kalo kalo dah in make DC electricity but battery is so short ..

smeentara it does not help create temen2 KSR jogja in make semi DC (aka glaring duanx ..) while still charging halfwave spool, because if the electricity needs still standar2 aja kliatane half wave is still ok, except Adah use HID, strobe, light n fireklkason gede bgt ..

Kok easy to make glaring gan .. (Special vehicle that is still the standard use of electrical ya n additional macem2 not use electricity in motors) only capital of a 10cm long cable talaga .. sekun flattened grain ama .. kelar + glared deh ..

Originally Posted by Wirajaya
continue the above .. : D: D
oprek2 yourself at home can be really, only a maximum of 30min lho .. : D: D

how to make electricity glaring halfwave (semi DC) standard kiprok

1. ama tank body open first right (different location for the Pio 2005 kiprok down ama 2005 and above) ..

2. search kiprok n green note at the socket, the socket off the first green of kiprok, there are 4 right cable red, black, white, red n yellow stripes, well take glasses flat screwdriver (the smallest) off tuh red stripe yellow wire connector from the socket of green house , having come off ..

3. if you can grab a piece of yellow wire also brooch, attach the flattened tip sekun tsb cable, try mounting sekun bener2 fix n kenceng (must be in make patent if you can, if not solder sisan ane ..) ..

4. connect the new cable had a red stripe with a yellow cable in step 2 above that have been dislodged before (so sekun point for tomorrow kalo mo in the standard feedback more easily) never ends that are still free from the new cable was plugged / dijumper with brown cord that is in bottom right frame that connects to the brake cable sensor difootpeg lower right (PIO 2006-2009 kiprok because right there in the body of the nearest point n yes brown cable from the rear brake sensor platform) ato in flasher (2005-2000 Pio brown wire is on sekitarn can kiprok from flasher sein / flasher only) isolation connection / jumper cable for it so tight aer

5. kabel2 under the tank there are many, in the section right above the filter, look for a socket that there are 3 wires in the socket it (sorted aja kalo brooch hard from the left block up, the cord white item n yellow) gan note that the yellow side of the entrance to the left block yellow n red strip joints yellow color into the body of the cable ..

6. take a flat screwdriver glasses again, the red strip off the yellow wire from the house of the socket, after the escape, ferrules sekun tsb cable with insulation / fuel cable, to be safe n not shorting when menyantuh order ..

7. cobain deh idupin lights ..


Originally Posted by schwein-Steiger
eventually the engine can dimatiin okay engine stop switch on the ignition ... n myself n timeout braniin gambling kira2 nentuin Which point drop cable,,
work as well,. black and white strip was wired in parallel (in branch two) in d big pipe Dlm BWH triangle. red wire d also parallel.

Warning: For those who could mo rapihin iseng2 cable, pipe pulling ati2 jgn d BWH big triangle break sembarangan.rawan branching, red wire black n white strip cable (cable engine stop). Especially distinguished CCC in torn ny big pipe, kerendem kabel2nya in Dlm tu pipe tender robekk more ....

PERFORMANCE UPGRADE (Parts and Accesories)

Why do we want to make Water & Air Injection system? the answer is
easy ... to get more power in combustion chamber, this system is
Effective with the induction system with pressure as the use of turbo or supercharger,
for naturally aspirated engines are also many advantages in the can with
System implementation WrAin same as in the use of Turbo and supercharger
especially if your machine already has a substantial compression ratio between 9.5 and upwards.

Water Injection
Essential idea of ​​this system has been developed since the early decades of the 20th century past,
namely in 1910, until World War II ahir many aircraft engines on
then using this system.
How and why the water can increase the horse power (hp)? actual water
does not directly increase the Horse Power your machine, then what? Water has
level of heat resistance compared with premium fuel or pertamax
though, where the water has a Latent High Of Vaporization which is as high as
it takes about 540 calories per gram to be able to change water into steam than
with regular fuel is only adequate with 135 calories to vaporize the fuel, this
explain why water is best to lower the temperature on the intake
compared with providing more fuel, with this we can set up the timing
ignition engines become more advanced (Advance) to get a larger HP and
make more LEAN ratio of air to fuel, which can more
save fuel and increase engine power without the risk of becoming too
hot (Over Heat).
Water Injection (Wa-i) works by lowering the temperature of the combustion chamber
high, which is due to the inhaled air has cooled engines because of mixing with the fog
water, this can be commensurate with the use of high-octane gasoline octane number
Air temperature inside the intake and combustion chamber (Commbustion Chamber) which
high can cause poor air content (oxygen) in them
so can cause a poor mixture, detonation / Engine knock or pinging
will occur because the air / fuel mixture ignites prematurely or not burning
precise and perfect.
But the weakness of this system is the Water Injection just works perfectly on
high RPM engine speed or when the carburetor is fully open, when on lap
bottom or low rpm it can be felt no symptoms or hiccup berebet
and the engine feels stuck.

Water Injection
Is Water Injection? Water Injection has the same principle as a water system
Injection, Water Injection at which the input into the combustion chamber is the Air,
The theory is correct Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) or the ratio between air and
fuel on lap down when the conditions have not fully open the carburetor to keep it
13,5:1 perfect in comparison with so the mixture of air and fuel
be fixed so that the perfect combustion process will get better and add
engine power and fuel economical as setting fuel can we make more
LEAN, but this weakness is Water Injection system tends to be effective only in round
low or when the engine is not fully open the carburetor, as well as air mixture
tend to be in a condition more fuel than the risk of symptoms of engine
too hot (Over Heat) can occur.

WrAin Product Knowledge

WrAin S1-NV (Stage - 1 Non Pumped Version)
WrAin Then what? This is a new system by utilizing both
method above, is expected to obtain maximum results, this method menggabungan two
previous method which is a refinement of the individual - each method
order to minimize deficiencies, respectively - each of these methods. In theory
mixture of water and air mixture would produce a more solid carburetion
and will further improve the combustion in the Combustion Chamber (Room fuels).
Why WrAin? what happened to the use of Water Injection is
compression of the combustion chamber which is more dense than normal so that the space
by solid fuel and fuel vapor, but this led to poor content
air in the engine due to air ration that should be filled by air disuply by
carburetor has been filled by water vapor, the water injection here on duty to supply air
more into the combustion chamber to obtain a ratio that remained correct in the combustion chamber.
Advantages WrAin System
• Cooling and lower the temperature of your machine is a real and direct
• engine torque increases
• Improve engine power between 15-35%, especially if followed
to advance the ignition (Advanced Timing).
• Combustion in Space Fuel is more perfect that can save
fuels of between 5% -20% (reported to have reached up to 30%).
• Extend your engine breath.
• Clean the combustion chamber due to combustion can be swept crust
out together with water vapor (terbilas).
• The machine is more responsive
• Refine the engine performance and extend engine life.
• Environmentally friendly due to the complete combustion
so do not leave the waste products of combustion which lost to the
Exhaust (Muffler).
• SAFE during installation APPROPRIATE
• Installation and easy setting
• Can be installed in almost any brand, type and type of motor.
• Motors that have been applied

Yamaha Scorpio
Yamaha Jupiter MX
Yamaha NUVO Z
Yamaha Mio

Yamaha RX King
Honda NSR
Honda CBR 150
Honda Tiger 2000/Revo
Honda Vario

Suzuki Thunder 125 / 250
Suzuki Spin
Suzuki Skywave
Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTS-i
Yamaha Vega
Suzuki Satria FU 150
Suzuki Smash
Suzuki Shogun
Honda Supra Fit
Suzuki Raider
Kawasaki Ninja R
Kawasaki Ninja RR

Yamaha F1ZR
Yamaha Vixion


Hyundai Elantra
Suzuki Carry
Toyota Kijang Innova
Honda Jazz I - DSI
Mitsubishi Galant V6

Disadvantages and Weaknesses WrAin System
• Must work extra to fill the tube of water / methanol.
• Installation must be neat and strong-2 so it does not happen
WrAin Product Knowledge
Sheldiez 2006 Allrights reserved
• If you use distilled water with bad quality
Exhaust relative need of attention from the possibility of rust.
• Ability to cancel a service contract for the new motor still
in warranty service (Unless you take off on time WrAin
service routine).
• The smaller the needle size, the water use will be increasingly
wasteful but the results would be great.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tips & Trik Fotografi "dasar"

1. Keep Photographing
Motret just as much. With a digital camera does not hurt at all, just the selection result, the ugly removed, a good dipindahin to the hard disk.
Pick from a variety of sides, angle, distance, perhaps with a different aperture and lens.Eventually you will know where your best angle, and where the best angle for a particular object. Feel it would be honed.
Be sensitive to the moment that might not happen again.
For the possibility of moving objects, moving or twitching movements can use the continuous mode.

2. Points of View that Gak Ordinary
People get used to seeing flowers. Photo casual interest will be felt by ordinary when photographed. So to make pictures more attractive interest rates, find a different angle, lighting, depth, and composition is also unique. Finding a unique position which produces images that are not biasajuga memorable experience, especially the difficult position repeated by others. As the plane was taking off and your position at the end of the runway. NG photographers sometimes have to wait 3 months in Africa Wildlife to get the best results.

3. Ready Standby
Moment can happen suddenly, it could also be predictable. So take your mental readiness and equipment to be photographed. Whether his focus had been prepared before, or muzzle the camera is directed towards a position where possible moment could happen, such as photographing twilight, to be sure the muzzle is directed to where the sun sets. Delay time into account also the Camera. Pocket Camera Delaynya usually long time, so often lost MOMENT. For the wedding ceremony are advised to use Candid Camera Jens SLR or DSLR, do not Pocket.

In the photo above, I've set up the focus and direction of the camera to the front of her flowers, so bees approached flowers directly shoot! Although not sesedarhana it, because they have to wait beetles that do not necessarily come into flower. So it took patience, too. Motret also must take into account the time or season. Motret butterfly, very morning when the butterflies are still ngatuk, or rather siangan when they break.Motret twilight should dry season, and very good if at the time a very hot afternoon. So, if you fit the dry met a very hot day, be prepared to reap the beautiful sunset!

4. Equipment meets the needs of
Are we going to bring all the equipment we have for a hunting / shooting? Of course we will be exhausted before the shooting started, unless we have a caddy. Or unless our tool, so only one set of it. For landscape, the tripod is mandatory equipment. While in candid in the event of marriage, quite the contrary.
5. Focus on an object
Sometimes a unique moment occurred when a subject we're focused on the subject.Because when we're focused on a subject, every moment, aspects and details of the subject would seem to us.
It is therefore important to focus on a subject when we hunt, and then we will discover many things about the subject ...
When I was hunting the clouds, I found the composition of clouds parallel to the electric cable: such, for the senses and our souls become more sensitive.

When I was hunting with macros, I found two animals that were chatting:

6. Key Three Good Photos
Good photo is a photo that conveys a message in a clear and interesting. To create it, have a secret following 3 keys:
if you use it, you are guaranteed a good photo

7. Moment Photography
One moment of understanding is a time of excellence. In photography where the subject, composition or lighting change in time, then a moment of photography can occur.Moments photography is a moment where the subject, composition and lighting in the best condition and in perfect balance. Decisive Moment.

8. Choosing Subjects
Subject photos are subject message to be conveyed by the photographer.
As in a letter, subject or subject,
is the message itself. Sometimes the written subject verbally, for example: declaration of love,
sometimes in the abstract, for example with the cover picture love pink,
sometimes in the position of the stamp.
Choosing a subject can be 3 events:
- Subject is determined by giving orders or the race committee
- Subject is determined photographers before going hunting
- Subject is determined when suddenly met a distinguished object to be photographed
Sometimes we take pictures of objects of fine,
but the results are not satisfactory, one reason is
we do not specify the subject when photographed.
Originally snap, does not consider the subject,
means underestimate the role of the brain and liver.
The result would be underrated by the brain and liver.
After the subject selected is selected, then the composition of jobs ...

9. Composition
Good composition includes aspek2:
if still no part in the photo does not need or do not support the subject then it could be simplified
note the background, simple pictures often determined whether or not his background
there is only one dominant object, or one dominant color, or one dominant form, or one other thing, is a simplification
determining a POI (point of interest) is our approach to achieve keserhanaan
Keep It Sweet & Simple
harmonious in form, harmonious in color, harmonious in size, matching the position
reference is the POI, if the other elements strengthen the POI, you could say harmonious
Position the POI appropriately to achieve a balance picture
Use one-third rule "The Rule of Third" ...

... position the POI-third rule on one of these crosses
The number of objects or sub objects try odd
there is only one strong message that emerged from the photos, because all elements are united in the statement subject pictures
do not place the POI right in the middle, called it dead center.
lest any horizontal line across the middle of the photo, try to form diagonal lines or curves
horizon should be horizontal, do not tilt, if you want moto side, do not include the horizon
POI place above or below the horizon, do not cut
provide space for relaxation around the eyes POI after making observations of an object
so keep an object in the vicinity of POI is very simple or plain
Do not put POI or other objects that could attract the attention too much on the edge, give it room to start or end views
if there are objects that are close together, give the distance in between, or create overlap ...
move your eyes through the presentation of the photo lovers and perspectives, or through the gradations of color or light
at heavy dot pictures, give depth or guided out of the point

No photos are the same. So do not be afraid of shooting the same object. Because maybe we create a better photograph.
Every shift in our position in the photograph even though only one inch could result in significant differences.
Many factors make different picture: the angle (angle), angle view (wide angle or vice versa), zoom or close objects, vertical or horizontal or diagonal, the direction of light, time, our health, etc..

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ramadhan for all of you who recognize me

please forgive me

  I do not really know   who you are , but I believe

  more or less   sure I would ever have to  your mistakes. 
on this particular day,  I say sorry  
end beg your   forgiveness  .

Thursday, September 9, 2010

ANGRY relationship with our health

Still taken from the Tips for Living Better Health by-Dr. Don Colbert.
ANGRY (terms / conditions I leave the interpretation to you), can cause some precursorkrosnis diseases, including:

-Rheumatoid arthritis
-Heart attack
-Heart disease
-Heart failure
-High blood pressure
-Stroke; and

Dr. Robert Eliot, a renowned cardiologist, found that when a person harboring a feelingthat eventually turn into hostility and anger, when it occurs a sharp increase in bloodpressure so that the risk of heart attack and stroke will be higher ... not horror?

It would be highly recommended we start trying to have the nature of the roomy cheststart today. Pressure must live so that everyone experienced the uncomfortable feelingthat we are so easy emotion. . Release the anger and let's try to be a forgiving person.
Remember keep anger forever in your heart.

Beautiful life with appreciate what is around us.
Let's train ourselves to be a quiet soul. OK?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

“Tuh liat, jadi autis gara gara blackberry”

My post this time is not on the blackberry.
But the habits of people say without thinking the effect.
Now - today, a lot of people who often speak
"hahahahaha, basic autiss!"
or "See clay, so autism gara gara blackberry"
And suppose he knew around him a LOT of people who may have children, or brother orsister is autistic.
I have a friend who only recently deket I know if her brother with autism.
I have a few friends (who are very famous even ...) whose child with autism.
Imagine you are talking like that without realizing that autistic children may be yourfriend.
It must hurt like hell it's your friend's heart.
just feel it?
And not just use the word autism, but also in using the word "idiot" or "mentally handicapped" and the like ...
My friend had a mentally retarded brother, and he is VERY LOVED him.
For me, people who joke like that are not sensitive.
I especially, are very worried that using all the "insults" above because I also ga'll neverknow if it's the other person or people who listen to me have friends, relatives or family members with autism.

SO MANY Lho around us who have a sister or a child with autism.

I know, i know, sometimes we joke meant when he said that our friends with autism.
But that's all irrelevant to what they felt was listening.
So what if you meant to joke?
It will of still hurt people's feelings!
They know why you joke, but they are also in the hearts hope you do not joke like that ...

This paper is so important, especially because the phenomenon of blackberries.
Phenomena that increase the likelihood of people using the word autism in everybecandaan them.
I dont mean to Preach.
But please, just watch what you're saying

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