Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stop Complaining

Consider this submission before you start complaining about various things that happen in your life ...
01]. Today before you say the words that are not good,
Think about someone who can not speak at all
02]. Before you complain about the taste of the food you eat,
Think about someone who did not have anything to eat.
03]. Before you complain do not have anything
Think about someone begging on the streets.

04]. Before you complain that you're bad,
Think about someone who is at its worst in his life.
05]. Before you complain about your husband or wife,
Think about someone who begged the Lord to be given a life partner.
06]. Today before you complain about your life,
Think about someone who died too soon.
07]. Before you complain about your children
Think about someone who really wants to have children but she was barren.
08]. Before you complain about your house is dirty because the maid did not do his job, Think about the people who live on the streets.
09]. Before you complain about the distance you have to drive,
Think about someone who travel the same distance by walking.
10]. And when you are tired and complain about your job,
Think about the unemployed, disabled people who wish they had a job like you.
11]. Before you point fingers and blame someone else,
Remember that no one is without sin,,,
12]. We all answer to the Creator
And when you're sad and your life in sorrow, smile and thank the Lord that you're still alive!
a. Life is a gift
b. Live it ...
c. Enjoy it ...
d. Celebrate it ...
e. And fulfill it.
13]. Love others with our words and deeds
14]. Love is created not to be stored or hidden
15]. You do not love someone because she's pretty or handsome,
They're beautiful / handsome because you love him,,,
16]. It's true you do not know what you've got Until it's gone,
Also but it's true You do not know what you've been missing Until it arrives!
So ... ... .. stop complaining, face the sweet bitterness of life with gratitude for all that the Lord has given ....

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